| 1. | Quality evaluation and deep process of kaolin in coal series 大同大型煤系高岭岩加工基地建设的前景及对策
| 2. | Discussion on how to research breaking - loss wing coal seam in coal series stratum 浅谈如何在煤系地层寻找断失翼煤层
| 3. | Surface modification of kaolin in coal series and its application in rubber 宜昌煤系煅烧高岭土表面改性及在丁苯橡胶中的应用
| 4. | Suface modification and application effect of calcined kaolin in coal series 煤系煅烧高岭土的表面改性和应用效果及应注意的问题
| 5. | Fractal characteristics of particle size distribution of coal series kaolinite during calcination 煅烧煤系高岭土粒度分布的分形特征
| 6. | Influence of permanent - magnet impeller type de - ironing devices on coal series kaolin clay industry 永磁叶轮式除铁装置对煤系高岭土工业的影响
| 7. | On thebasis of describing mineralogy characteristics such as combination electron minro - form , crystallinity of clay minerals , the relationship between coal series clay minerals in themesozoic era in ningxia area and coal metamorphism was analyzed 在概述粘土矿物组合、电子显微形态和结晶度等矿物学特征的基础上,探讨了宁夏地区中生代煤系粘土矿物与煤变质的关系。